The business community profoundly influences lives and events around the world. Business education must supply the conceptual tools managers need to make choices that are ethically responsible, culturally sensitive, and technically sound.


To provide educational materials suitable for use in ethics courses or in other business courses where ethical issues are discussed.


Research articles that deal with teaching strategies and educational issues related to business ethics.


To assist educators by providing timely educational materials and a forum for discussion of pedagogical issues.

VOLUME 21: 2024 in publication

Volume 20 online


JBEE was one of the sponsors at the 2024 IABS annual conference

Articles now in review for Volume 21



Tara Ceranic Salinas

Lead Editor

Professor of Business Ethics Chair, Management Department Knauss School of Business University of San Diego

Olukunle Iyanda

Africa Editor

Professor of Business Administration, Emeritus Caleb University

Zucheng Zhou

Asia Editor

Professor of Management & Business Ethics Department of Organizations Management
Antai College of Economics & Management
Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Seeking Applications

Australia & New Zealand Editor

Jacob Rendtorff

Europe Editor

Professor of Philosophy of Management and Business Ethics Department of Business and Social Sciences Roskilde University

Seeking Applications

Latin America Editor

Barrie Litzky

North America Editor

Associate professor of Entrepreneurship Charles D. Close School of Entrepreneurship Drexel University

John Hooker

Senior Advisory Editor

T. Jerome Holleran Professor of Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

University Professor of Operations Research, Emeritus Tepper School of Business Carnegie Mellon University

Join the JBEE community as a reviewer

Please apply in writing, including a CV, and a list of preferred review topics and article categories. Previous review experience is preferred though not essential. All requests should be sent to the Publishing Editor, Peter Neilson; Email

Business ethics teaching is extremely controversial. Can it be taught? What should be taught? Who should teach it? The Journal of Business Ethics Education can explore all these issues and others. Business ethics teaching and business ethics itself will be the better for it.

Norman Bowie

Elmer Andersen Chair in Corporate Responsibility (Emeritus), University of Minnesota, USA

Making complex and philosophical Business Ethics concepts come alive in a practical way in the classroom is never easy.  And yet, as anyone who picks up a newspaper or turns on the TV news can observe, today there is probably no more pressing a need than to teach future and present business leaders the fundamentals that will help them make the right practical ethical decisions down the road.  JBEE is a great resource that provides educators with top-notch research, great ideas, and the latest tools for making sure tomorrow’s business leaders are well-equipped to face the many ethical issues that will confront them daily.

Joan Fontrodona

Business Ethics Department, Center for Business in Society (CBS), IESE Business School , Spain